Preventing adverse childhood experiences

Professor Sunny Shin, Ph.D., leads a project training pediatricians to provide parents with education and resources to reduce the risk of traumatic events, abuse or neglect. The Virginia Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control are funding the project, with the goal of mitigating health risks in childhood and later in life.
“The occurrence of adverse childhood experiences is not a social worker’s problem. It’s not a medical doctor’s problem. It’s a social problem that has a very close and strong influence on public health,” Shin says. “The hope and premise of this project is to let us see if we can prevent adverse childhood experiences in Virginia using this evidence-based model.” ⇨ Learn more
‘Housing is essential’

Associate professors M. Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., and Maurice Gattis, Ph.D., were awarded a continuation grant for an ongoing youth-shared housing program for LGBTQ+ youth, pregnant/parenting youth and those at the intersection who are experiencing homelessness. The project, Marsha & Marian's Neighbors, received $805,875 from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.
The program partners with youth leaders with lived experience and expertise as well as local organizations. In its first year of implementation, the program served 56 people (young adults and their children) and housed 20 households. “It is truly remarkable to see in action what we know to be true – housing is essential to young people's well-being," Wagaman says.
Faculty scholarship and research
Refereed journal publications

Christensen, C., Baldwin-White, A. & McMahon, S. (in press), Gender based violence on university campuses. Oxford Bibliographies.
Baldwin-White, A., Dunnigan, A., Jones, A. & Fusco, R. (in press). War on families: Limiting access to reproductive health. Children and Youth Services Review.
Lateef, H., Baldwin-White, A., Jellesma. F., Borgstrom, E. & Narley, P. (in press). Afrocentric cultural norms, mental health functioning, and the perception of intimate partner violence among young black men. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities.
Baldwin-White, A., Darville, G., Chess, S. & Beer, J. (in press) Social Media and its Influence on Sexual Activity and Perceptions of Sexual Activity Among College Students. Journal of American College Health
Baldwin-White, A. (in press). Working Toward an Inclusive, Antiracist and Antioppressive Research Methods Pedagogy. Journal of Social Work Education
O’Shields, J. & Baldwin-White, A. (in press). Exploring the role of Snapchat use in predicting alcohol consumption among college students. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly.
Gibbs, J. & Baldwin-White, A. (in press). Sexual assault and behavioral health: What can we learn from a probability sample of young sexual minority men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
*Baldwin-White, A., Daigle, L. & Teasdale, B (2023). Risk Factors for Experiencing Gender Based Violence Across Racial Groups. Journal of interpersonal violence.
*Baldwin-White, A. & Still. S. (in press) Hamilton: A pedagogy of social justice and revolution in social work education. Journal of Social Work Education.
Refereed journal publications (accepted for publication)

Baskind, F.R., Clark, S.H., Hartwell, C. (March 2023). Creating an Online Curriculum from Class-Based Courses. National Teaching and Learning Forum. 32(3).
Recent presentations
How the Spirit Moves in Social Work Education: Infusing Learning Resources for Spirituality Sensitive Social Work Practice. Referred presentation at the National Society for Spirituality and Social Work Conference sponsored by Morgan State University, June 2022.
How to Integrate Framing Language and Principles of Universal Design for Learning in Online Instruction. Referred presentation at the Online Learning Consortium Accelerate. Orlando, Florida, November 2022.
Presentation under review
Lessons Learned: Crafting an Online Curriculum Using Universal Design for Learning. Submitted with Stevara Clark and Carrie Hartwell to the VCU Online Inaugural Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Regional Conference in October 2023.

Spencer, Q. (2023, Feb. 25). Diversity, Equity, Justice and Inclusion at Seven Hills. [Board presentation]. Seven Hills Board Retreat, Richmond, VA, United States.
Refereed journal publications

Lineberry, S., Bogenschutz, M., Dinora, P., Prohn, S., Broda, M., & West, A. (In press). Co-occurring mental illness and behavioral support needs in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Community Mental Health Journal.
Broda, M., Bogenschutz, M., Dinora, P., Prohn, S., Lineberry, S., & West, A. (in press). Employment and employment goals in matched samples of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with and without autism. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Lineberry, S., Bogenschutz, M., Dinora, P., & Ayers, K. (2023). The role of information in COVID-19 vaccination among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 61(1), 16-30.
Dinora, P., Prohn, S., Bogenschutz, M., Broda, M., Lineberry, S., and West, A. (2023). An examination of support needs, supports, and outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 61(1), 65-78.
Lineberry, S., & Bogenschutz, M. (in press). Disenfranchisement and voting opportunity among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Bogenschutz, M., Dinora, P., Lineberry, S., Prohn, S., Broda, M., & West, A. (2022). Promising practices in the frontiers of quality outcomes measurement for intellectual and developmental disability services. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences: Disability, Rehabilitation, and Inclusion, e871178.
Lane, S., Kagotho, N., McClendon, J., Flowers, T., Vandestine, T., & Bogenschutz, M. (2022). In their own words: Social work faculty discuss incivility. Social Work Education, 41(6), 1183-1200.
Prohn, S., Dinora, P., Broda, M., Bogenschutz, M., & Lineberry, S. (2022). Measuring four personal opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Inclusion, 10(1), 19-34.
Media and press mentions
Dellinger-Wray, M., & Dinora, P. (2022). The most valuable sticker: I Voted. Parenting Special Needs Magazine, September/October 2022 issue.
MoneyGeek Team. (2022). Workers with Disabilities and the ADA. Retrieved from Guide for Job Seekers & Workers with a Disability.
Refereed conference presentations (recent)
Lineberry, S., West, A., Dinora, P., Bogenschutz, M., Prohn, S., & Broda, M. (2022, November). A Model for Partnering with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to Develop and Conduct IDD Outcomes Research. Oral presentation for the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference: Washington, DC.
Lineberry, S., Bogenschutz, M., Dinora, P., Prohn, S., Broda, M., & West, A. (2022, June). Mental health, behavioral support needs, and personal outcomes for adults with IDD. Presented to the Annual Conference of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Online.
Lineberry, S., & Bogenschutz, M., Dinora, P., Prohn, S., Broda, M., & West, A. (2022, January).
The impact of mental health diagnosis and behavioral support needs on personal opportunity outcomes for adults with IDD. Virtual poster (converted from oral presentation due to COVID-19) presented to the Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research: Washington, DC.
Online presentations
Bogenschutz, M., Kelley, A., Akin, H., & Davis, H. (2022, May). Developmental disability and child welfare: What do you need to know? Facebook Live webinar presented to Virginia child welfare workers in collaboration with the VCU Child Welfare Stipend Program.
Bogenschutz, M., West, A., & Grey, F. (2022, May). Learn and Lead with Virginia LEND! Facebook Live webinar presented to the Center on Disability Leadership and the Center for Family Involvement.
Invited and other community presentations (selected)
Bogenschutz, M., & Lineberry, S. (2022, August). The impact of mental health diagnosis and behavioral support needs on personal opportunity outcomes for adults with IDD. Presented the Kansas InterHab Power Up Conference.
In preparation

Hodges, J.C., Developing stewards of the profession in social work Ph.D. education: The role of practice experience.
Under review
Camacho, D., Aranda, M.P., Henderson, Jr., C.R., Burnette, D., Wethington, E., Reid, M.C. & Lukens, E. Pain presence and intensity among Black, Latino, and White community-dwelling midlife and older adults in the U.S.
Burnette, D., Buckley, T.D., Kim, K., *Cho, S., & *Kim, S. Gender-related measurement invariance on the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) with older adults in Puerto Rico.
*Otgon, S., Burnette, D. & Myagmarjav, S. Life satisfaction among rural and urban older adults in Mongolia
Refereed journal publications
*Otgon, S., Myagmarjav. S., Burnette, D., Lkhagvasuren, K. & Casati, F. (2023) Levels and correlates of flourishing among older adults in rural and urban Mongolia. Scientific Reports.
Buckley, T.D. & Burnette, D. (2022). Psychological Sense of Community, self-rated health and quality of life among older adults in Puerto Rico 2 years after Hurricane María. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Buckley, T.D., *Becker, T.D. & Burnette, D. (2022). Validation of the abbreviated Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6) and its relationship with self-rated health amongst older adults in Puerto Rico. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30:e5527–e5538.
Kim, K., Buckley, T.D., Burnette, D., Huang, J., & Kim, S. (2022). Age-Friendly Communities and older adults’ health in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(15), 9292.
Refereed journal publications
*Denotes student colleague at the time of manuscript submission

DeLaney, E. N., Williams, C. D., Jones, S. C.T., Hood, K. B., Cage, J., Coston, B. E., Hawn., S. E., Dick, D. M. & Spit for Science Working Group (in press). Sexual Victimization and Mental Health among LGBQ+ College Students: Examining Social Support and Trauma-related Drinking as Mediators.
Cage, J., Kemmerer, A.,* Shockley Mccarthy, K., Pitts, B. E*., Strolin-Goltzman, J., & Saleh, M*. (2022). Measuring school engagement for youth involved with the child welfare system: a structured review of the literature. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1-27.
Coles, D., & Cage, J. (2022). Mothers and their children: An exploration of the relationship between maternal mental health and child well-being. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 1-7.
Hubbard, S.A., Lakey, B., Jones, S.C.T., Cage, J. (2022). Black racial identity, perceived support, and mental health within dyadic relationships. The Journal of Black Psychology, Vol. 0(0) 1–22.
Bender, A. E., McKinney, S. J., Schmidt-Sane, M. M., Cage, J., Holmes, M. R., Berg, K. A., ... & Voith, L. A. (2022). Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and effects on social-emotional competence: A systematic review. Journal of Family Violence, 1-19.
Refereed journal publications (under review)
Cage, J., Saleh, M.,* Strolin-Gomez, J., Shockley McCarthy, K. School Engagement: From student engagement to school engagement of students: Toward providing the luxury of engagement to youth involved with the child welfare system.
Cage, J., Bouchard, L*., Coles, D., Shin. S., Jiskrova, G., Saleh, M.* Investigating the educational attainment of youth formerly in foster care by discharge type.
Bouchard, L*. Cage, J., Kemmerer, A*., Shin, S., Jiskrova, G., Saleh, M.*. Toward exploring and promoting the Socio-economic status of emerging adults formerly in foster care.
Golden C., Jones S., Cage J., Lozada, F. Roles of Racial Socialization and Critical Consciousness on Black Adolescents’ Racism Coping
Refereed journal publications

Chartier, K. G.1, Kendler, K. S.1 (1co-first authors), Ohlsson, H., Sundquist, K. & Sundquist, J. (2023). Triangulation of evidence on immigration and rates of alcohol use disorder in Sweden: Evidence of acculturation effects. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47(1), 104-115.
Shuval, K., Leonard, D., DeFina, L. F., Barlow, C. E., Drope, J., Amir, O., Gnezzy, A., Tzafrir, S., Chartier, K., & Qadan, M. (2022). Cardiorespiratory fitness and depression symptoms among adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cooper Center Longitudinal Study. Preventive Medicine Reports, 30.
Chartier, K. G., Bares, C., Prom-Wormley, E., Blondino, C., Miles, K., Lee, A. G., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2022). Effects of family history of alcohol problems on alcohol consumption: Stronger for medically underserved men. Preventive Medicine, 161.
Hicks, T. A.*, Chartier, K. G., Buckley, T. D.*, Reese, D.*, Spit for Science Working Group, Vassileva, J., Dick, D. M., Amstadter, A. B., Peterson, R. E., & Moreno, O. (2022). Divergent changes: Abstinence and higher-frequency substance use increase among racial/ethnic minority young adults during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 48(1), 88-99.
- Special Issue on Risk, Resilience and Thriving among Racial/Ethnic Minorities and Underserved Populations at-risk for Substance Use Disorders. – In the news Psychology Today
Shuval, K., Leonard, D., Chartier, K., Barlow, C. E., Fennis, B. M., Katz, D. L., Abel, K., Farrell, S. W., Pavlovic, A., & DeFina, L. F. (2022). Fit & Tipsy? The Interrelationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and alcohol consumption and dependence. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 54(1), 113-119.
- – In the news New York Times
Invited talks
Chartier, K. (2023, January). Looking back to family history to bridge the gap in the genetics of AUD and public health. Addictions Seminar (virtual), T32 Training Program in Alcohol in the Science/Practitioner Model, San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego, CA.
Charter, K. (2022, October). Social contexts and disparities in alcohol problems. Annual Fall Meeting, Confounding factors: How social pressures impact out patients, Psychiatric Society of Virginia, Nellysford, VA.
Oral presentations
Moreno, O., Williams, C. D., Munoz, G., Santana, A., Hernandez, C., Elias, M. J., Chartier, K. G., Hood, K. B., Johnson, K. F., Middleton, T., Montemayor, B. N., The Spit for Science Working Group, Vassileva, J., Dick, D. M., & Amstadter, A. B. (2023, March). Interpersonal ethnic-racial discrimination and tobacco products: The moderating role of critical action. Paper talk submitted to the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual conference, San Antonio, TX.
Invited book chapters

Cramer, E.P. (forthcoming, 2023). Small groups. In E. Hutchison (Ed). Dimensions of human behavior: Person and environment (7th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Hutchison, E., & Cramer, E. (2022). Small groups, formal organizations, and communities. In E. Hutchison & L. Wood Charlesworth (Eds.), Essentials of human behavior: Integrating person, environment, and the life course (3rd ed, pp. 249-284). Sage Publications.
Community and university publications, curricula and videos
Robinson, J., Cramer, E.P., & Varky, S. (2022). Understanding Protective Orders in Richmond, Virginia. English, Spanish, Braille and large print versions. Virginia Commonwealth University Partnership for People with Disabilities and the School of Social Work.
Research reports
Lee, J., Cramer, E.P., & Flaherty-Fischette, P. (2022, June 30). “All Abilities Shine”: Parental Perceptions of the Philly Goat Project’s All Abilities RAMble on Child Participants with Disabilities. Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work and Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research.
Stylianou, A., & Cramer, E. P. (2022). Criminal Justice and Victim Services Prevention and Intervention Responses to Domestic Violence Victims with Disabilities and Deaf People: A Systematic Review of the Literature [Research Report]. Rutgers’ The Center for Research on Ending Violence.
Refereed journal publications

Corley, N.A., Pitts, B*. & Kirby, A*. (2022) M/Othering while Black: A content analysis of Black mothers in social work literature. Affilia
Belgrave, F. Z, Hall, C. J, Corley, N. A., Hung, H-L, & White, D. (in press) “Show them all we can do it:” An asset approach to academic success among African American males attending a predominantly White university. Journal of Negro Education
Manuscripts under review
Walker, C. J., Williams, C. D., Santana, A., Hood, K. B., Lozada, F. T., Winter, M. A., & Corley, N.A. (under review) Processes underlying Black American emerging adults’ mental health: Examining the roles of mental health literacy, ethnic-racial identity, and Self-care.
Refereed journal publications
(n=83; *indicates student/fellow author under my mentorship)

Danielson, E. C., Smith, M. J., Ross, B., Parham, B., Johnson, J. E., Cuddeback, G. S., Smith, J. D., McGregor, D., Suganuma, A., & Jordan, N. (2023). Implementation preparation costs of virtual reality job interview training in prisons: a budget impact analysis. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 62(2), 81-97.
Smith, M., Parham, B., Mitchell, J., Blajeski, S. Harrington, M., Ross, B., Johnson, J., Brydon, D., Johnson, J., Cuddeback, G. S., Smith, J. Bell, M., McGeorge, R., Kaminiski, K., Suganuma, A., & Kubiak, S. (2023). Virtual reality job interview training for adults receiving prison-based employment services: A randomized controlled feasibility and initial effectiveness trial. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(2), 272-293.
Van Denise T. B., Givens, A., Frey, J., Cowell, M. M., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2022). Size and attributes of probation officers’ service providers networks: connecting individuals with mental illnesses to community-based supports. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 61(5), 245-262.
Grove, L., Berkowitz, S., Stearns, S., Pink, G., Cuddeback, G. S., & Domino, M. E. Permanent Supportive Housing Tenure among a Heterogeneous Population of Adults with Disabilities. Population Health Management (in press).
Lamm, B., Toles, M., Cuddeback, G. S., & Travers, D. Perceptions of ACT team members on the implementation of physical health services: a qualitative study. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (in press).
Van Deinse, T. B., Givens, A. G., Cowell, M., Ghezzi, M., Murray-Lichtman, A, & Cuddeback, G. S. A randomized trial of specialty mental health probation: Measuring implementation and effectiveness outcomes. (2022). Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 49, 415–428.
Wilson, A. B., Mahadevan, T. Villodas, M., Rodriguez, M., Bailliard, A., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2022). Tiny homes are huge for people living with serious mental illness. Research on Social Work Practice, 32(7) 816–825.
Oral presentations
Brown, S. J., Buck, K., Murray Lichtman, A., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2022). Improving Supervision of Offenders with Serious Mental Illnesses: Tips, Tricks and Tools for Probation Officers. American Probation/Parole Association 47th Annual Training Institute, Chicago, IL, 2022.
Refereed conference presentations

Fabelo, H.E., Becker, T.D., Morgan, M.R., & Vazquez, J.M. (2022, November 2-6). Life lessons: The experiences of older adults living in Puerto Rico during COVID-19. In J.D. Burnette & T.D. Buckely (Chairs), The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults in Puerto Rico [Symposium]. Gerontological Association of America 2022, Indianapolis, IN, United States.
Fabelo, H.E., Becker, T.D., Morgan, M.R., & Vazquez, J.M. (2023, January 11-15). Puerto Rican older adults’ resilience and wisdom: Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic [Conference session]. Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
Applebaum, J.W., McDonald, S.E., Widmeyer, M., Fabelo, H.E., & Cook, R.L. (2022, July 7-9). Can pet ownership impede access to healthcare for people living with HIV? Preliminary findings from an ongoing cohort study [Conference session]. International Society for Anthrozoology 2022 Conference, Boise, ID, United States.
Refereed journal publications

Gattis, M.N., Wagaman, M.A., & Kemmerer, A. (2023). Developing Marsha and Marian’s Neighbors: A shared housing intervention to address homelessness among LGBTQ+ and pregnant/parenting youth. Youth 3, 335-350.
Roussouw, R.J., Henderson, N., & Gattis, M.N. (In press). The use of photo-voice with older transgender people with psycho-social challenges in the Cape Metropolis, South Africa. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services.
Middleton, J., Inman, E., Roe-Sepowitz, D., Frey, LM., & Gattis, MN. (2022) Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Youth Victims of Sex Trafficking in Kentukiana. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-14.
Wagaman, M., Gattis, M.N., Watts, K., & Yabar, M., Haynes, T., Williams, E., & Blair, D. (2022). The Role of Schools in Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness: Perceptions of School Staff. Children and Schools, 44 (2), 70-78.
White paper
Pathak, A., Harris, K., Allison, K., Coston, E., Davidow, J., Donowitz, K., Gattis, M.N., et al. LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Medical School Curriculum. October 2022
Publications under review
Roldan, P. & Gattis, M.N. Homophobic behavior and heterosexual bystander: Understanding Colombians’ intentions to intervene. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services.
Gattis, M.N., Alexander, N., & Henderson, N. (Un) Belonging in the City: Research, Theory, and Practice Highlighting LGBTQIA+ Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Cape Town. Social and Health Sciences.
Williams, S.M., Frey, L.M., Stage, D.L., Harris, L.M., Antle, B.F., Gattis, M.N. Rainbow skeletons: A hermeneutic phenomenological study of sexually diverse suicide attempt survivors’ descriptions of stigma. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Refereed journal publications

Goffnett, J., Flores, R., Galen, E., Hamaker, A., & Paceley, M.S. (2023). “I'm proud to be myself”: A qualitative investigation of identity-related emotions among transgender youth. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.
Garthe, R., Rieger, A., Goffnett, J., Kaur, A., Blackburn, A.M., Kim, S., Hereth, J., & Kennedy, A., (2022). Grade-level differences of peer and dating victimization among transgender, gender expansive, female, and male adolescents. Journal of LGBT Youth. Advanced online publication.
Clary, K.L., Goffnett, J., King, M., Kitchen, R., Hubbard, T. (2022). “It’s the Environment, Not Me”: Experiences Shared by Transgender and Gender Diverse People Living in Texas. Journal of Community Psychology. Advanced online publication.
Swan, L., Goffnett, J., Pless, J., & Andrews, T. (2022). Reproductive Coercion in Emerging Adults: Prevalence and Behavioral Health Impact. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advanced online publication.
Windsor, L., Jemal, A., Goffnett, J., & Smith, D.C. (2022). Linking Critical Consciousness and Health: The Utility of the Critical Reflection about Health Inequities Scale (CRHIS). SSM—Population Health. Advanced online publication.
Goffnett, J., Paceley, M.S., Fish, J., & Saban, P. (2022). Between Cornfields and Kinfolk: Transgender Youth Managing Identity in Midwestern Families and Communities. Family Process. Advanced online publication.
Publications under review
Goffnett, J., Clary, K.L., Kitchen, R., Matijczak, A. & King, M. (Revise & Resubmit). “My safety depends on everyone else feeling safe and good”: Emotion work among Transgender and Gender Diverse Texans. Culture, Health, & Sexuality.
Goffnett, J., Matijczak, A., Baldwin-White, A., Brewer, N.Q., & Paceley, M.S. (Submitted February 28, 2023). Exploring campus-related correlates of intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization among LGB+ college students. Special Issue of Journal of LGBT Youth.
Publications in preparation
Goffnett, J, Robinson, S., Matijczak, A., Lee, C., & Clary, K.L. (in preparation). Exploring grit and its mental health impact among LGB+ and heterosexual Southern college students.
Goffnett, J., Robinson, S., Hamaker, A., Schrager, S., & Goldbach, J. (in preparation). Shame and pride among sexual minority adolescents: Development and preliminary validation of the Sexual Minority Identity Emotion Scale.
Cusack, S.E., Hawn, S.E., Goffnett, J., Sheerin, C.M., Rappaport, L.M., & Amstadter, A.B. (in preparation). Temporal relations between alcohol use and PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ecological momentary assessment investigation.
Roldan, P., Matijczak, A., & Goffnett, J. (in preparation). The association between sexual minority stressors and self-reported health status in Colombia.
Authored book chapters
Paceley, M.S., Flores, R., Sanders, I., Greenwood, E., Sattler, P.S., & Goffnett, J. (in press). Family, religion, identity, and resilience: Research poems on victimization and resilience among transgender and gender diverse youth. In S. Clevenger, S. Kelly, & K. Ratajczak (Eds.) Queer victimology: Understanding the evolving study of LGBTQIA+ experiences. Texas Review Press.
Refereed journal publications

Green, M. N., & *Bryant, S. (2023). Racially Humble Parenting: Exploring the Link Between Parental Racial Humility and Parent–Child Closeness in Multiracial Black-White Families. Race and Social Problems, 15, 32–44.
Green, M. N., Christophe, K.N., & Lozada, F. T. (2022). Concordant and Discordant Patterns of Parental Racial Socialization among Biracial Black-White Adolescents: Correlates and Consequences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(12), 1-15.
Burnett, M., McBride, M., Green, M.N. & Cooper, S.M. (2022). “When I Think of Black Girls, I Think of Opportunities”: Black Girls’ Identity Development and the Protective Role of Parental Socialization in Educational Settings. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 933476.
Owens, C. Stokes, M. N., & Haskett, M. (2022). “I just want my parenting to be able to be better than what it is”: A qualitative exploration of the parenting strengths and needs of mothers experiencing homelessness. Child & Family Social Work.
Green, M. N (revise & resubmit). The Multiracial-Black Socaliazation Model: Conceptualizing Racial Socialization in Multiracial-Black Families
Winchester, B.L., & Green, M. N. (revise & resubmit). To be, or not to be Black: Parents’ Preparation for Bias Messages and Parental Closeness Influence Black-White Biracial Adolescents’ Choice of Racial Identification
In progress
Green, M.N., Winchester, B.L., & Jones, S. (in progress). Black, Biracial, and Proud: Can Racial Pride Protect Biracial-Black Young People from Identity Invalidation & Depressive Symptoms?
Lozada, F.T., & Green, M.N. (in progress). “Our emotions aren’t for everyone” African American parents’ racialized emotion socialization.
Book chapters & technical reports
Cryer-Coupet, Q. R., & Green, M. N. (2022). Framing Interventions with Fathers. In Social Work Practice with Fathers: Engagement, Assessment, and Intervention (pp. 131-146). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Professional presentations
Refereed paper presentations
Green, M.N., Winchester, B.L., & Jones, S. (2023, April). Black, Biracial, and Proud: Can Racial Pride Protect Biracial-Black Young People from Identity Invalidation & Depressive Symptoms? Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Burnett, M., McBride, M., Green, M.N. & Cooper, S.M. (2023, April). “We Are Very Underrated”: Black Girls’ Schooling Experiences and their Negotiations of Black Girlhood. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Invited presentations
Understanding racialized developmental and familial processes through an intersectional lens, Invited Research Presentation, Virginia Commonwealth University – School of Social Work Doctoral Student Research Association, December 2022
The power of measurement in social science research, Guest Lecture & Research Spotlight, Virginia Commonwealth University, Graduate seminar on Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis, October 2022.

Baskind, F., Clark, S. and Hartwell, C. (2023), Creating an Online Curriculum from Class-Based Courses. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 32: 8-10.
Refereed journal publications
Note: * indicates student co-author and † indicates community partner co-author at time of writing

Im, H., *George, N., & *Swan, L.E.T. (In press). Born in displacement: Psychosocial and mental health impacts of country of birth among urban Somali refugee youth. Advance online publication. Global Public Health.
*Swan, L.E.T. & Im, H. (2022). Predicting mental health outcomes in a sample of Somali refugee youth: The role of child trauma. Traumatology, 28(2), 235 -244.
Im, H., *Swan, L.E.T., †Warsame, A.H., & †Isse, M.M. (2022). Risk and Protective Factors for Comorbidity of PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety among Somali Refugees in Kenya. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 68(1), 134-146.
Im, H. & *Swan, L.E.T. (2022). Factors influencing improvement of trauma-related symptoms among urban refugee youth: A naturalistic evaluation of community-grounded psychosocial intervention. Community Mental Health Journal, 58, 1179-1190.
Im, H. & *George, N. (2022). Impacts of COVID-19 on refugee service provision and community support: A rapid assessment during the pandemic. Social Work in Public Health, 37(1), 84-103.
Im, H., & *George, N. (2022). “It hurts so much to live for nothing”: Lived experiences of substance use among refugee youth in displacement. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 20(3), 1671-1686.
Peer-reviewed book chapter
*Muna, S. & Im, H. (Accepted – February, 2023). Marginalization as Traumatization: Developmentally Based Trauma Framework for Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma in Somali Refugees. A peer-reviewed book chapter considered for Intergeneeraqtional Trauma in Refugee Communities.
Manuscripts under review
Im, H., † Verbillis-Kolp, S., *Kim, S., † Bonz, A.G., & † Mustafayeva, S. (Under Review). A multi-level modeling analysis of community-based mental health & psychosocial support group intervention for refugee newcomers in the U.S. Submitted to Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Im, H. & *George, N. (Under 2nd Review). Gendered Health Outcome among Somali Refugee Youth in Displacement: A Role of Social Support and Religious Belief. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
Im, H., *Swan, L.E.T., & *George, N. (Under Review). Effects of Trauma Exposure, Trouble Socializing, and Substance Use on Symptoms of Common Mental Disorders Among Somali Refugee Youth in Displacement. Submitted to International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Im, H., *Swan, L.E.T., & Dattalo, P. (Under Review). Culturally grounded mental disorders?: Factor structure of trauma-specific common mental disorders among Somali refugees in displacement. Submitted to Special Issue on “Dimensional Approaches to Studying, Assessing, and Treating Traumatic Stress” at Journal of Traumatic Stress.
*George, N. & Im, H. (Under Review). The Role of Trauma in Physical Health Status among Somali Refugee Youth in Urban Displacement. Withdrew from Journal of Migration and Health, and submitted to Social Work.
Im, H., *Muna, S., & *Khetarpal, R. (Under Review). Structural Vulnerability of Somali refugee women in urban displacement. Submitted to Social Science & Medicine.
Refereed conference presentations (selected)
Note: * indicates student co-author and † indicates community partner co-author at time of writing
*George, N. & Im, H. (2023, January). Gender Differences in Physical Health Status in Somali Refugee Youth: A Role of Social Support and Religiosity, ePoster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Phoenix, AZ.
Shannon, P., Bunn, M., Im, H., Kurricat, M. & Cureton, A. (2023, January). Welcoming Afghan Evacuees: A National Discussion of Rapid Response, Emerging Needs, and Mechanisms for Support. Roundtable paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Phoenix, AZ.
*Saleh, M. & Im, H. (2023, January). Using a Systemic Trauma Theory to Understand the Marginalization and Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Among Somali Refugee Families in the U.S. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Phoenix, AZ.
Im, H., *George, N., *Swan, L.E.T., and *Wadu, A.W. (2023, January). Born in Displacement: Psychosocial and Mental Health Sequelae of Displacement Trauma Among Urban Somali Refugee Youth. ePoster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Phoenix, AZ.
Invited talk/presentation/workshop (selected)
Im, H., Getahun, B., Balmir-Derenoncourt, S., Kwachuh, S., Sylvia, A., Newman, J., Patel, S., Mustafayeva, S., & Verbillis-Kolp, S. (November, 2022). Multi-level analysis of HIAS’s CB-MHPSS group intervention in U.S. programs. Invited talk at the global learning session by HIAS, Virtual Platform.
Refereed journal publications
*Denotes student at the time of manuscript submission +Editor’s choice

Kim, K., Hong, M., & Kim, G. (in press). Regional variations of racial disparities in advance care planning of older adults. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Advance online publication.
Lehning, A., Kim, K., Park, S., & Dunkle, R. (in press). Preference to Age in place in low-income senior housing. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. Advance online publication.
Wyman, M., Vega, I., Cabrera, L., Amini, R., Kim, K., & Tarraf, W. (2023). Influence of care network characteristics on physician visit experiences for Black, White, and Hispanic older adults with dementia. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, S59-S70.
Smith, R., Baik, S., Lehning, A., Mattocks, N., Cheon, J., & Kim, K. (2022). +Residential segregation and aging in place: An analysis of health and mental health inequities. The Gerontologist, 62(9), 1289-1298.
Hong, M., Noh, H., & Kim, K. (2022). A qualitative exploration of end-of-life care planning with Korean Americans: Awareness, attitudes, barriers, and preferences. The Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 24(5), E212-E218.
Kim, K., Buckley, T., Burnette, D., Huang, J., & Kim, S.* (2022). Age-friendly communities and older adults’ health in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9292.
Buckley, T., Kim, K., & Burnette, D. (2022). Psychometric testing of the Brief Sense of Community Scale with older adults in Puerto Rico. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(5), 2116-2129.
Kim, K., Buckley, T.,* Burnette, D., Kim, S.,* & Cho, S.* (2022). Measurement indicators of age-friendly communities: Findings from the AARP Age-Friendly Community Survey. The Gerontologist, 62(1), e17-e27.
Kim, K., Burnette, D., An, S., Lee, M., & Cho, S.* (2022). Geographic proximity to neighborhood resources and depressions among older adults in South Korea. Aging and Mental Health, 26(1), 26-32.
Hong, M., & Kim, K. (2022). +Advance care planning among ethnic/racial minority older adults: Prevalence of and factors associated with informal talks, durable power of attorney for health care, and living will. Ethnicity and Health, 27(2), 453-462.
Refereed conference presentations
Kim, K., Burnette, D., & Suen, I. (2023, January). Residential segregation and mental health service use by older Blacks. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Phoenix, AZ.
An, S., Kim, K., & Lee, M. (2023, January). Longitudinal relationships between social cohesion, mental health and functional disabilities in later life: Mediating effect of mental health. Paper session presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Kim, Y., Kim, K., & Huang, J. (2023, January). Financial hardship and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Refereed journal publications

Murphy, J. & Kim, Y. The Utilization Profiles of Comprehensive School Mental and Behavioral Health Needs Among Adolescents. Journal of School Health. Online First.
Joo, Y., & Kim, Y. Role of School Quality and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Educational Attainment: Do They Vary by Race? Children and Schools. (accepted)
Kim, Y., Murphy, J. Food Insecurity and Economic Hardship of College Students: Before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Poverty. Online First.
Kim, Y. & Murphy, J. Mental Health, Food Insecurity, and Economic Hardship among College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health and Social Work. Online First.
Kim, Y., Murphy, J., Craft, K., Waters, L., Gooden, B. “It's just a constant concern in the back of my mind”: Lived experiences of college food insecurity. Journal of American College Health. Online First.
Kim, Y., Park, A., & Murphy, J. (2023). Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health: Evidence from Young Adults in Korea. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38.
Birkenmaier, J., Kim, Y., Maynard, B. (2022). Financial Outcomes of Interventions Designed to Improve Financial Capability through Individual Development Accounts: A Systematic Review. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 19(4), 408-439.
Birkenmaier, J. M., Maynard, B., & Kim, Y. (2022). Interventions designed to improve financial capability: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice, 32(6).
Kim, Y., Lee, H, & Park, A. (2022). Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and depressive symptoms: Self-esteem as a mediating mechanism. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(2).
Refereed conference presentations
Kim, Y., Kim, K, & Huang, J. (2023). Financial Hardship and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Phoenix, AZ).
Kim, Y., & Murphy, G. (2023). Food Insecurity, Economic Hardship, and Mental Health of College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Phoenix, AZ).
Kim, Y., Park, A., & Murphy, G. (2023). Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health: Evidence from College Students in Korea. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Phoenix, AZ).
Murphy, G., & Kim, Y. (2023). Patterns of Adolescent Mental Health Service Needs By Service Setting: A Latent Class Analysis. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Phoenix, AZ).
Park, A., & Kim, Y. (2023). Relationships of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Counter-ACEs with Mental Health of Young Adults. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Phoenix, AZ).
Tomlinson, C. A., Kim, Y., McDonald, S. (2023). Testing the Latent Factor Structure of Childhood Adversity in a Nationally Representative Sample of Child Welfare- Involved Adolescents. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Phoenix, AZ)
Birkenmaier, J. M., Maynard, B., & Kim, Y. (2022). Interventions designed to improve financial capability: A systematic review. American Council on Consumer Interests (Clearwater Beach FL).
Kim, Y., Murphy, J., Craft, K., Waters, L., Gooden, B. (2022). “It's just a constant concern in the back of my mind”: Lived experiences of college food insecurity. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Washington DC).
Kim, Y., & Park, A. (2022). Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the Associations with Substance Use among Korean College Students. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Washington DC).

Kuttikat, M., Chan, D., Sahoo, I., & **Murphy, J. (in-preparation). A conceptual model of family dynamics in a refugee camp. Social Science & Medicine - Population Health.
Kuttikat, M. (in-preparation). A Community-Based Participatory Research in a refugee camp
Under review
**Sahoo, I., Kuttikat, M., **Saleh, M., **Amona, E., **Murphy, J., Chan, D. & **Kim, K. Transmigration stressors, parent health, and family functioning among camp refugees.
**Saleh, M., **Amona, E., Kuttikat, M., Sahoo, I., Chan, D., **Murphy, J & **Kim, K. Adolescent Mental Health Predictors Among Camp Refugees: Utilizing Linear and XGBOOST Models.
**Murphy, J. L., **Saleh, M. **Roldan, P, & Kuttikat, M. Community health workers’ perspectives on parental behavior, parental practices and family relationship among Sri Lankan Tamils.
**Sahoo, I., Kuttikat, M., **Murphy, J., Chan, D. Transmigration stressors, parent health, and family functioning among camp refugees.
Refereed journal publications
Kuttikat, M., **George, H.& **George, D. (accepted with revision). Migration Stressors, mental health and resource utilization among camp refugees. The international Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Kuttikat, M. (accepted with revision). A conceptual model of parenting process in a refugee camp. Journal of Biosocial Science.
Kuttikat, M., *George, H.& *George, D (2022). Proverbs, and gender: The interface between proverbs and human relations in a refugee camp. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 10 (6), November.
Book chapters
Kuttikat, M. (2022). Conservation of resources and post-migration stress. In I.R. Sebastian & S.M. Maruthur (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Refugees in India. Sage Publications.
Kuttikat, M. (2022). A synthesis of studies examining Sri Lankan refugee families in India. In I.R. Sebastian & S.M. Maruthur (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Refugees in India. Sage Publications.
Refereed conference presentations
*Saleh, M., Amona, E., Kuttikat, M., **Sahoo, I., Chan, D., & *Murphy, J. (2023, April) Child Mental Health Predictors Among Camp Refugees: Utilizing Linear and XGBOOST Models. 12th European Conference for Social Work Research, Milan, Italy.
*Murphy, J., Chan, D., Kuttikat, M., & **Sahoo, I. (2023, January). A Network Analysis of Resource Utilization in a Refugee Camp. Poster will be presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Kuttikat, M. (2023, January). Welcoming Afghan evacuees: A national discussion of rapid response, emerging needs, and mechanisms for support – Community Engaged Migration Research (CEMiR) with Afghan refugees. Roundtable discussion at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Kuttikat, M. & *Saleh, M. (2022, October). Parent Health, and Family Functioning Among Camp Refugees. Paper will be presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Referred publications and book chapters
(* = masters/doctoral student / faculty mentee)

McGinnis, H.A. & *Wright, A.W. (2023). Adoption and Child Health and Psychosocial Well-Being. In Halpern-Felsher, B.L. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health. Online. Elsevier Inc.
Chan, D. M., Broda, M. D., *Winslow, J., Jones, Q., *Luce, C., McGinnis, H. A., *Tomlinson, C.A., Hamid, H., Ma, J. (2022). The effects of prime supporters within college students’ support network. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences Journal, 26(4) 423-440. PMID: 36149269.
Refereed manuscripts under preparation and in progress
*Burton-Heckman, K., *Maleki, R., Sahoo, I., Chan, D., Broda, M., McGinnis, H. (2023, Apr, Under Review). Predictive models for mental health: An analysis of college students and their social support networks. (rejected 2023, Jan: Journal of American College Health; resubmitted, 2023, Apr: Counseling Psychology).
*Cho, S., McGinnis, H., Wike, T., *Kim, S. (in development). The moderating effects of child maltreatment between bullying victimization and school climate and engagement among South Korean youth in orphanages and national sample. (Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research)
McGinnis, H.A., Cage, J., *Tomlinson, C. (in development). Re-imaging an anti-racist child welfare system: Revisiting the 1972 National Association of Black Social Workers’ position statement on transracial adoption. (Children and Youth Services Review).
Refereed conference presentations
(* = doctoral student)
*Cho, S., McGinnis, H., Wike, T., *Kim, S. (2023, January 11-15). The moderating effects of child maltreatment between bullying victimization and school climate and engagement among South Korean youth in orphanages and national sample. Poster. Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Refereed and invited conference presentations

Odera, S. & Wagaman, A. (2022). Taking control of the narrative: Weaving a story of connection and resistance. 3rd Annual Convening of Critical Race Scholars in Social Work. Virtual Conference.
Refereed journal publications

Swan, L.E.T., McDonald, S.E. & Price, S.K. (2022). Pathways to reproductive autonomy: Using path analysis to predict family planning outcomes in the United States. Health and Social Care. 30(6), e6487-e6499.
Refereed conference presentations

Sage, M. D., Sage, T., Reddish, N., Obrien, J., & OLeary, S. (2023, October 26-29). Motivational Interviewing in Child Welfare: An implementation science model for Families First. [Interactive workshop under review]. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Tomlinson, C. A., Gomez, R., & Reddish, N. (2023, October 26-29). Technology use among foster youth: Opportunities and risks. [Panel discussion under review]. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Matijczak, A., Gomez, R., Reddish, N., Reiss, D., & Tomlinson, C. A. (2023, October 26-29). Working together: Promoting partnerships between institutions to expand research opportunities. [Interactive workshop under review]. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Tomlinson, C. A., Reddish, N. S., Long, A., & Gomez, R. J. (2023, May 16-18). Building and sustaining strong Title IV-E partnerships: Thoughts and discussion. [Interactive workshop accepted for presentation]. Title IV-E 2023 Roundtable Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.
Refereed journal publications
(italicized = student/post-doctoral fellow)

Shin, S. H., Tomlinson, C. A., Nelson-Hence, D., & Ksinan Jiskrova, G. (2023). Understanding the intergenerational cycle of trauma and violence: Maternal adverse childhood experiences and parent–child aggression risk. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(5-6) 4998–5018. PMID: 36062736.
Shin, S. H., Bouchard, L. M., & Montemayor, B. (2022). An Exploration of Practitioners’ Perceptions and Beliefs About Trauma-Informed Youth Drug Prevention Programs: a Qualitative Study. Prevention Science, 23(4), 636-647. PMID: 34714501.
Jiskrova, G. K. & Shin, S. H. (2022). Childhood maltreatment, depressive implicit associations and depression symptoms in young adulthood. Social Work in Mental Health, 20(6), 702-715. PMID: 32101477.
Manuscripts under review
Tomlinson, C., Shin, S. H. & Jiskrova, G. K. (under review). Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and mental health symptoms among young adults. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Shin, S. H., Choi, C., Shih, S., Kimbrough, T., (under review). A hospital-based infant safe sleep intervention and safe sleep practices among young and low-income women: A prospective longitudinal study. Maternal and Child Health.
Bouchard, L. M., Cage, J., Kemmerer, A., Shin, S. H., Jiskrova G. K., (under review). Toward exploring and promoting the socio-economic status of emerging adults formerly in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review.
Bouchard, L. M., Cage, J., Kemmerer, A., Shin, S. H. & Jiskrova G. K., (under review). The educational attainment of young adults who were formerly in foster care: Investigating the role of discharge type. Children and Youth Services Review.
Shin, S. H., Choi, C., Jiskrova, G. K., Tomlinson, C., & Kimbrough, T. (under review). Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and postpartum depressive symptoms among low-income women: A latent class analysis. Journal of Family Violence.
Refereed journal publications

Bickford, E., Matijczak, A., Kemmerer, A, Martinez, F., & Wagaman, M. A. (accepted). Applications of transformative justice principles for centering transgender and gender expansive experiences in social work education and practice. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare.
Gattis, M. N., Wagaman, M. A., & Kemmerer, A. (2023). Developing Marsha and Marian’s Neighbors: A shared housing intervention to address homelessness among LGBTQ+ and pregnant/parenting youth. Youth, 3, 335–350.
Watts, K. J., Tomlinson, C. A., Matijczak, A., Wagaman, M. A., Murphy, J. L., O’Connor, K., & McDonald, S. E. (2022). Transgender and gender expansive emerging adults: The moderating role of thwarted belongingness on mental health. Psychology & Sexuality.
Wagaman, M. A., Gattis, M. N., Watts, K. J., Yabar, M. P., Blair, D., Haynes, T. S., & Williams, E. G. (2022). The role of schools in supporting students experiencing homelessness: Perceptions of school staff. Children & Schools.
Book chapters
Wagaman, M. A., Compton, K. S., Haynes, T. S., Lange, J., Williams, E. G., & Obejero, R. C. (2022). Youth participatory action research as an approach to developing community-level responses to youth homelessness in the United States: Learning from Advocates for Richmond Youth. In Stoecker, R., & Falcon, A. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook on participatory action research and community development. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Refereed conference presentations
Wagaman, Howell, Teresa, Hefner, Woehrle, Haynes & Lawrence (2023, January). Youth participatory action research as an empowerment-based method for community change. Presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Bender, Littman, Ortega-Williams, Beltran, Wagaman & Wernick (2023, January). Navigating, subverting, and replacing conventional academic productivity expectations to co-create with PAR teams. Roundtable presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Odera, S.G., Wagaman, M.A. (2022, November). Taking control of the narrative: Weaving a story of connection and resistance. Presented (virtually) at the Critical Race Scholars in Social Work Convening.
Refereed journal publications
(*Indicates MSW or PhD student authorship)

Wike, T. L., Spit for Science Working Group (in progress). Increasing positive wellbeing among first-generation LGBTQIA college students during COVID-19: Belongingness and flourishing.
Wike, T. L., Spit for Science Working Group. (in progress). The protective role of social media use among LGBTQ+ college students during COVID-19.
Wike, T. L., *Bouchard, L., & *Kemmerer, A. (in progress). Challenges, supports, pride and resilience: LGBTQ+ youth living in rural communities. Journal of Adolescent Research.
Wike, T. L., & Chartier, K. (in progress). Discrimination experiences among LGBTQ+ emerging adults, mental health, substance use, and protective factors.
McGinnis, H., Cho, S., Wike, T. L., & Kim, S. (in progress). Bullying victimization and school engagement among South Korean youth in institutionalized care: Testing the moderating role of child maltreatment. Journal of the Society of Social Work and Research.
Wike, T. L., McGinnis, H., *Taylor, M., & *Bouchard, L. (in progress). Social support as a moderator of the relationship between bullying, discrimination and problem behaviors for South Korean youth in institutionalized care. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.
*Bouchard, L., Wike, T. L., & *Yabar, M. (under review). Bullying and suicidality in sexual minority youth: Examining the role of alcohol use. Youth & Society.
*Yabar, M., *Bouchard, L., & Wike, T. L. (under review). Understanding the relationship between homophobic bullying and age of sexual onset in gay, bisexual, and transgender Latino youth. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services.
Burton, C., Hoppe, R., Kliewer, W., Wike, T. L., & Winter, M. (under review). Intergenerational transmission of alexithymia as a predictor of child post traumatic stress outcomes during COVID-19. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
McDonald, S. E., O’Connor, K., *Maticijak, A., *Murphy, J., Applebaum, J., *Tomlinson, C., Wike, T. L., & Kattari, S. (2022). Victimization and psychological wellbeing among LGBTQ+ emerging adults: Testing the moderating role of emotional comfort from companion animals. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 13(4).
*Bouchard, L., & Wike, T. L. (2022). Gone for now or good as gone: Narratives of rural youth who intend to leave their communities. Rural Society.
Ogbonnaya I.J., Wike, T. L., *Bouchard, L., & Carter, A. (2022). Looks matter: Are U.S. schools of social work representing diversity and inclusion on their websites? Social Work Research
Wike, T. L., *Bouchard, L., *Yabar, M., & *Kemmerer, A. (2022). Bullying, victimization, and resilience: Experiences of rural LGBTQ+ youth across multiple contexts, 37(19-20), NP18988–NP19015 Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Professional presentations
Cho, S., McGinnis, H., Wike, T. L., & Kim, S. (2023, January). Testing the moderating effect of child maltreatment on the relationship between bullying victimization and school outcomes among South Korean youth. Presentation for the Society for Social Work and Research 27th annual conference, January 2023. Phoenix, AZ.
Burton, C., Kliewer, W., Wike, T. L., & Winter, M. (2022, November). Intergenerational transmission of alexithymia as a predictor of child post traumatic stress outcomes during Covid-19. Presentation for the International Society of Trauma Stress Studies. November 2022. Atlanta, GA.
Invited talks
Wike, T. L. (2023, February). Supporting LGBTQIA+ Populations in the U.S. Presentation for Social Work Ambassadors from South Korea. Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work, Richmond, VA.